RFP 25/24 West Boulevard Elementary Roof Replacement
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date | 2/26/25 10:00am |
Bid Date | 3/5/25 2:00pm |
Columbia Public Schools 1818 W. Worley, Columbia, MO 65203
A mandatory pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Contractors must meet at the West Boulevard Elementary, Main Office, 319 West Boulevard North, Columbia, MO 65203. Any clarifications, changes, etc. discussed during the meeting, will also be submitted to each bidder by written addendum. There will be no future provisions or time allotted for those parties not present at this mandatory pre-bid to access areas. Bidders that do not attend the pre-bid meeting will not be allowed to submit a bid.
The RFP, drawings and supportive construction information for this project are available at American Document Solutions after January 29, 2025. American Document Solutions is located at 1400 Forum Blvd, Suite 7A, Columbia, MO 65203, (573) 446-7768 or https://www.adsplanroom.net/projects/2770/details/west-boulevard-roof-replacement .
CPS implemented a new visitor management system. Bidders must bring a government issued ID to enter District buildings.